Guide for authors
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About the journal
Les cahiers du CREAD is a quarterly journal published in open access under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 licence. It is a peer-reviewed journal specialising in economics. It publishes contributions, adopting different methodological approaches, which shed light on current economic questions, in the fields of international economics, monetary and financial economics, political economics, public economics, labour economics, geographical economics, agricultural and rural economics, energy and environmental economics, health economics, education economics, development economics, social and solidarity economics and industrial economics.
The journal publishes preferably articles written in English, yet, articles in Arabic and French are accepted as well.
The originality of the work, a capitalization of relevant and recent publications, methodological rigor and relevant analysis of the research results are all conditions to be met for an article to be accepted to integrate the journal review process.
The journal "Les cahiers du CREAD" is a platform for scientific exchanges on essential economics topics. It publishes contributions of specialized development practitioners, university lecturers and researchers in the aforementioned fields. It is also an open space for doctoral students to publish the findings of their research. The approached issues can articulate different scales that can be transposed to different contexts, which further strengthens its openness to the international.
The target audience includes researchers, teachers, experts, students and planners specialized in their field of publication.
The journal "Les cahiers du CREAD" is indexed in international databases AJOL, under the category Maghreb Index, ARCIF and EBSCO. The journal’s editorial board adopts a strategy for indexation in other international databases in order to improve its overall ranking.
Guidelines for submitting articles
Authors wishing to publish their works in the journal "Les cahiers du CREAD" are required to guarantee the originality of their articles. Therefore, the submission of an article implies that: (i) it has not been previously published (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a conference or thesis), (ii) is not submitted to another journal, (iii) its publication is approved by all its authors and tacitly or explicitly by the competent authorities where the work has been carried out, and that (iv), if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere.
The journal "Les cahiers du CREAD" only accepts electronically sent submissions via the ASJP platform. Manuscripts must be submitted as a single Word file, by clicking on the article submission section located on the right side of the journal space reserved by the ASJP platform at the following link:
Guidelines for authors
Authors are called to carefully read and follow the following recommendations. The editor-in-chief has the right to return manuscripts, before submitting them to the peer review, in the following cases: Article outside the scope of the journal; Low writing quality; failure to respect the editorial standards (e.g. signs number, the bibliography presentation, etc.); Structure of the article not in accordance with that of a scientific article (see point article structure).
Article Structure:
The journal publishes research articles adopting different methodological approaches: empirical, theoretical or synthetic.
Research articles’ structure:
Articles should follow the following structure: Introduction, Methodology including a description of the used data, Results, and finally Discussion and Conclusion. The following parts must be included:
- The title: has to be concise and informative, without abbreviations and formulas, and preferably should not exceed 10 words.
- The abstract: a short summary of the article which allows the reader to grasp its purpose and its added value in the field of research. It must not exceed 250 words. The abstract should briefly state the background of the research, the objective, method, the data used, the main results, the conclusion or recommendations of the study. Non-standard and unusual abbreviations should be avoided.
- Keywords: directly under the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords. These keywords are used for indexation purposes, therefore, avoid words that already appear in the title of your manuscript, yet choose additional words to improve the visibility of your work.
- JEL classification codes: The JEL classification codes systematically mentioned in the submitted articles will make it possible to situate the article in scientific production concerning the adequate economic discipline and to facilitate the identification of specialized reviewers in the field of the article.
- Introduction: gives a brief review of the literature that must be relevant and especially contains the treated problem by giving a solid conceptual framework, which will situate the topic in an adequate theoretical corpus (grey literature is to be avoided). The introduction should also state the purpose and the originality of the study. Titles and subtitles in the body of the introduction should be avoided.
- Literature review: a critical analysis of recent scientific researches closely related to the topic or aspects of the conducted research must be done. The quality and diversification of resources must imperatively be taken into account, as well as the problem and to structure this part according to a logical intellectual path (coherence).
- Methodology and data: This section should provide sufficient information to allow replication of the work by others. It consists of a detailed description of the adopted method. The author must justify his choice of method based on the scientific literature. In the case of a case study, the author should provide a description of the study area and include a detailed study area map in addition to the used data (database, etc.).
- Results: This section describes the results of the study. They should be presented concisely, for example in the form of tables or figures. This section should not contain any interpretation of the results.
- Discussion: it gives an interpretation of the results, their meaning and limitations, referring to other authors work, but without necessarily going into extensive discussions about the published literature. In this section, the author should explore the significance of the results, rather than repeating them.
- Conclusion: In this section, the author should briefly summarize the results and highlight the possible practical implications and theoretical contributions of the research results. It is also necessary to point out the research limitations and the future research directions.
Review articles
The objective of the Review article is to take stock of a research topic. However, it is not just a matter of describing the research work on a given topic, but of providing a critical analysis of this work.
- Introduction: In addition to the subject of the synthesis presentation, the introduction must contain the methodology used for the choice of the works mobilized for the synthesis: the databases and the criteria for the selection of this work.
- The Body text: The mobilized sources are discussed in this part. The most relevant works on the subject are presented and the evolution of the approaches and concepts mobilized to deal with the subject analysed. It is also necessary to highlight the divergences of the different theoretical schools that have emerged in the treatment of the subject. The author must situate himself and bring his own critical analysis.
- Conclusion: The aim is to present, in a synthetic way, the contribution of the scientific literature to the treatment of the subject of the article and to point out the convergences and divergences of existing works while highlighting future research avenues.
Peer review policy
Initially, the articles are reviewed anonymously at the level of the internal committee of the journal, which meets regularly and intervenes in the pre-assessment phase. It gives a notice of eligibility of articles before any sending to associate editors or reviewers. In case of failure of a favourable opinion during this phase, it will be returned to the author with a report containing the comments and suggestions. The author may resubmit it taking into account the former recommendations, in case of receiving a mention to this effect from the editor-in-chief.
In a second step and if the article is eligible for assessment (correct writing style, well-defined research questions, explicit methodology, well presented and discussed results ...), it will be transmitted in double anonymity to an associate editor specialized in the related research field, who in turn will submit it to two reviewers of his network, who will take charge of the paper according to a standardized assessment grid that they must be filled. The associate editor has also the possibility of evaluate the article.
The editor-in-chief may forward articles for review directly to two reviewers and follows up on the reviews as well as those forwarded to associate editors.
When conducting articles for assessment, the editor-in-chief and associate editors avoid forwarding the articles to reviewers who are close to the authors: same institution, same research laboratory, same research team, etc.
Deadline for articles’ assessment
The granted assessment period is 4 months.
Articles’ assessment status
When a draft article receives a favourable opinion and another unfavourable one, a third assessment is commissioned. The journal "Les cahiers du CREAD" mobilizes a large number of high-level national and foreign referees, mainly university professors or research directors.
The article preparation
In order to speed up the process of publishing articles in "Les cahiers du CREAD", authors are invited to use the Journal template.
A style sheet (Template), available in Arabic, French and English on the ASJP platform, is provided to authors for inserting their articles. Authors can download the Word template from the " instructions to authors" section.
*Authors can access to this space by reaching the following link:, then choose "Les Cahiers du CREAD" and finally by clicking on "guidelines for authors" on the right side of the screen. |
Writing and publication languages
The text may be written in English, Arabic or French. However, for greater visibility, we advise authors to write their articles in English. English translation of articles submitted in French or Arabic will be suggested to some authors. If the language in which the text is written is not your usual language, have it reviewed by an expert before submitting.
Anti-plagiarism policy
Plagiarism, in all its forms, is considered as an unethical behaviour in the journal. No breach of this rule is tolerated. No other article by the author, recognized for plagiarism, will be accepted by our journal.
Ethics and professional conduct
- The journal "Les cahiers du CREAD" undertakes to respect the highest standards of publication ethics on the journal's web page: Charter of ethics and professional conduct of the journal “Les Cahiers du CREAD’’.
- Authors who submit their articles for publication in the journal "Les cahiers du CREAD" certify that the submitted works represent the contributions of their authors and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works. Authors acknowledge that they have disclosed all actual or potential conflicts of interest regarding their work or the partial benefits associated with it.
The Copyright transfer letter can be consulted below in this document and the Word version can be downloadable through “the guide for authors” link on the CREAD website. |
Fees and charges
There are no publication fees or charges for 'Les cahiers du CREAD'. Consequently, when an article is accepted for publication, the copyright is automatically transferred to 'Les cahiers du CREAD'.
The journal " Les cahiers du CREAD" has the following identifiers:
- ISSN : 1012-0009
- EISSN : 2437-0568
- Legal deposit: 113297
The publisher holds the copyright on all published documents of the journal "Les cahiers du CREAD". The copyright held by the journal covers the right to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microforms, electronic forms (offline, online) or any other reproduction of a similar nature.
Authors are free to reuse the article in other future publications, provided that the first publication in Les Cahiers du Cread is properly cited.
The following instructions are applicable to individual users :
- Individuals may refer to, download, print or save the content of the journal for research, teaching and/or private study purposes.
- Any total or partial use and/or copying of the journal "Les Cahiers du CREAD" must include the usual bibliographic citation, including the author, date, title of the article, name of the journal and its web address:
Articles’ technical presentation
Articles must be submitted as a single electronic file under Word format. Characters must not exceed 50000 characters including space, i.e the equivalent of 4500 to 7500 words.
Typographic characters
- Paper dimension : 15x22 cm
- Page Layout: Top=2.5 cm. Bottom=2 cm. Left=2 cm. Right=2 cm. Header=1.8cm. Footer=1.4cm. Binding margin=0 cm.
- Article title: "Palatino Linotype" font size 11, bold, UPPERCASE, centred.
- The author’s name " "Palatino Linotype", bold, font size 8, UPPERCASE, preceded by his first name in lower case, with 2 lines spacing below the title, justified on the right and followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote stating the affiliation of the author (s).
- Text: " Palatino Linotype" normal size 10
- Footnotes : "Palatino Linotype " normal size 8
- Sources bellow tables : " Palatino Linotype " italics size 8
- Justification of the text: according to the used language.
- Abstract text: begins 3 lines after the author's name, should not exceed 250 words maximum (single-spaced, font size 10). They must be presented in the following three languages: Arabic, English and French.
- Keywords and JEL codes: Authors must submit their articles with a maximum of five keywords, and their corresponding JEL codes (see:
- Subheadings: The maximum number of subheading that a text can contain is three (3), as demonstrated in the following example:
1- VOCATIONAL TRAINING, UNEMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH (bold, size 9, uppercase letter) 2- EMPIRICAL STUDY 2.1 Description of empirical data analysis (bold, size 9, lowercase, no indentation) 2.2 Estimating the productivity equation with education 2.2.1 The fixed-effect model (bold, size 9, lowercase, no shrinkage) 2.2.2 The random-effects model (bold, size 9, lowercase, no shrinkage) 2.2.3 Etc… 3- ETC. 3.1 Etc 3.2 Etc 3.3 Etc |
Within the third division of the text, divisions of type (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), in italics may be used.
- Paragraphs: Indentation of the 1st line: positive = 0.5 cm (except for titles). Words in Latin are written in italics (Example: He was de facto overtaken by the events)
- Line Spacing: Simple; however, headings must be separated from the paragraph following or preceding them by two single line spacing.
- In-text citations: Bibliographic references must be recent and accessible and must meet APA standards:
o The reference to an author in the text includes only the lowercase name and the year of publication. Example: « Despite the advantages that the new Keynesian DSGE framework proves, very few papers used these models in the study of economic cycles and analysis macroeconomic policy in Algeria. ((Dib & Mazouz (2005), Allegret & Benkhodja (2015), Chaouche & Toumache (2017) and Oughlissi (2017)) ». o The reference to two authors includes the Author’s name 1, then the Author’s name 2 separated by "& " then the year. Example: " Les entreprises informelles ont pris des proportions importantes dans le tissu économique du pays de même que l’emploi non déclaré (Lassassi & Hammouda, 2012) o The reference to three or more authors in the text must include the name and mention "et al" and the year of publication Example: " Plusieurs travaux ont démontré que l’entrepreneuriat agricole est de plus en plus tributaire de la rareté des ressources naturelles notamment le foncier (Guibert et al., 2011)." o The exact references of the authors' books or articles will be found in the references section at the end of the article (see below). o When there exist several references by the same author (or group of authors) published in the same year, they should be differentiated by adding a lowercase letter after the date (2018a, and 2018b) starting with the oldest publication.
o An author's text excerpt is done as shown in the following example: Example: " Yachir (1990) notait fort justement que "mise à l'épreuve des faits, la croyance quasi-religieuse du F.M.I. dans les vertus d'une abolition immédiate et totale de tout contrôle étatique des prix, de la monnaie, du commerce et de la production s'inscrit en réalité à l'encontre de la rationalité économique." |
- The big tables
- Must be numbered from 1 to n and placed in the appendix. The source must be indicated below the table in size 8, in italics.
- Only horizontal lines will be drawn.
- The title must be in character 9, Palatino Linotype, and should be mentioned above the table.
- The tables should be cited as (Table 1) or as (Tables 4, 5 and 7).
- Each table must be designed in such a way that it can be understood without reference to the text.
- All tables must include the used units of measurement and the data source.
- The tables should be left-aligned. Do not use capital letters or bold. If the dimensions of the table exceed the margins, arrange it horizontally.
- Small tables: Tables not exceeding one third of the page can be put in the text. They should be numbered from 1 to n. The source should be indicated below the table in Palatino Linotype format 9 and in italics.
- Graphs: They are numbered from 1 to n and inserted into the text. They must be reduced to no more than half a page. For sending them to “Les Cahiers du CREAD”, each graph must be put in an independent file.
The graph title must be in 9 characters, Palatino Linotype, bold, centred, below the figure. Patterns should be used to differentiate colours if appropriate. If the article is accepted for publication, the Excel files must be provided to allow the editorial team of the journal to rework the graphs for a better quality.
- Equations: If the article has equations, they must be written with the equation editor and numbered [1], ...
- Bibliographic references (APA): Are placed at the end of the text, in an alphabetical and chronological order:
- When an author is referenced more than once, we start with the most recent publication.
- If the article is the work of several authors, cite the first six authors and add "et al" if there are more than six.
- The typographical presentation differs depending on whether it is a book or an article. In the case of a book, the title is written in italics and the rest in normal characters; in the case of an article, it is the other way around.
- The year of publication is located after the author's name.
- Mention the publisher and the number of pages for the book
- Mention the volume and issue of the journal in which the article appeared and the pages of the journal containing the article.
Follow these examples:
- Books and theses : o Azoulay, G. (2002). Les théories du développement du rattrapage des retards à l’explosion des inégalités. Ed. Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 220 p. o Daoudi, A. (2010). Les mécanismes de gestion des risques de défaillance dans les transactions de financement informel dans le secteur agricole en Algérie : entre contrat et convention. Thèse de Doctorat en agronomie. ENSA, Alger. - Articles : o Souam, MS., Vialfont, A. (2011). Pouvoir de négociation et procédure d'engagements en droit de la concurrence. In Revue Economique. Vol. 62(3): pp 609-620. o Ameur, F., Kuper, M., Lejars, C., Dugue, P. (2017). Prosper, survive or exit: Contrasted fortunes of farmers in the groundwater economy in the Saiss plain (Morocco), Agricultural Water Management, 191: 207–217. - Contribution to a book: o Talahite, F. (2010). Luc Boltanski et le genre : Entre aliénations spécifiques et aliénation générique. Danielle Chabaud-Rychter (Ed), Le genre : Relectures critiques, de Max Weber à Bruno Latour (pp. 190-202). Sous les sciences sociales Paris : La Découverte, pp 190-202. - Various documents: o Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement rural. (2014). Le programme quinquennal 2015-2019: un programme dédié à la consolidation du développement agricole et rural. Rapport préliminaire, Alger. |
- The original article preparation for printing: If you made figures using software, save them using a separate file and specify the software used.
Optionally, make sure that the sent version is the final one and that it exactly matches the text