About the Journal
Les cahiers du CREAD is a quarterly journal published in open access under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 licence. It is a peer-reviewed journal specialising in economics.
The journal "Les Cahiers du CREAD" (CDC) was founded in March 1984 (at the time of the CREA under the name of "Les Cahiers du CREA"), which became "Les Cahiers du CREAD" from 1986 (year of creation of CREAD). The journal is published quarterly with an average of 25 articles published annually. "Les Cahiers du CREAD" is a journal of economics and socio-economics. The fields covered are: - Economics and socio-economics applied to development, - Macroeconomics, international relations and regional integration, - Agro-economy and rural development, - Firms, industrial economy, regulation and competition of network industries. - Social economy, education, health, poverty, unemployment-employment, human development. The audience for the journal is very diverse: the research community, both nationally and internationally, the economic and socio-economic sector community, teachers and students, and all those interested in economic and socio-economic phenomena .
ISSN: 1012-0009, EISSN: 2437-0568
Periodicity: Quarterly
Editor: Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée pour le Développement
Adress : Rue Djamel Eddine El-Afghani- El Hammadia Bouzaréah -
Alger BP.197, Rostomia, Bouzaréah - Alger
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